At our November Meeting we had our own Gary Mullins give us a superb talk on his Career and Luck. It was very entertaining with many twists and turns, brilliant.
Our next event was the Christmas Lunch at the Dartford Golf club It was a great turnout, and we enjoyed a fabulous lunch followed by some tasty mince pies.
Our raffle raised a grand total of £215 that goes to my charity’s pot, my grateful thanks to you all for your contributions. My charity now stand above £1500 of which I am eternally grateful for your continued generosity.
The wonderful Club Christmas Card was also distributed and our thanks go to Steve Brown for organising it.
Our first event in January was our re-named coffee morning to Social Lunch at The Plough in Wilmington. 14 arrived for lunch, it was a thoroughly enjoyable start to the new year chatting about our Christmas experiences.
Keith Cass