One of the regular exercise activities enjoyed by members, relatives and friends is a monthly walk in local countryside led and arranged by one of our members. Coffee taken at a hostelry where we will also take lunch is the usual start followed by a 2 to 3 mile walk taken at a gentle pace and over easy to medium country. Lunch follows on return with much conversation! Other non-walkers are always welcome to join for lunch. Details of each month’s walk appear in our monthly Newsletter together with a report on the previous month’s walk or on this website
A lovely amble around Birchwood Golf course walking through ancient pathways and then through a delightful mobile home village was partaken by 8 people in January. The weather was kind and dry albeit a bit fresh but as it was just under the 2.5 miles it wasn’t a problem!
Lunch taken at the Golf Club and was surprisingly good, quick and not expensive for the 6 people who choose to indulge. There won’t be a walk in February but there will be one on March 12th. Details will be in next month’s newsletter.
If you have an idea for a gentle meander around the country side followed by lunch in a suitable venue, then please don’t hesitate to speak to Phil who is happy to help you organise it.